
thirty Increase Blog Traffic Tips

Posted by JASTIKA on Minggu, 29 November 2009 , under , , |

Here are 30 tips to increase traffic to my blog
obtained after I blogwalking to various blogs belonging to the master
SEO for blog traffic quickly rises. Hopefully this article useful to you, and here is
30 tips to increase blog traffic is:

1. Registering blog to Search Engines
This reply is obligatory. Sign up control every aspect of your blog search engine
The main Google, Yahoo and MSN for your blog indexed by engine
2. Write Content In Continuous
In the blog content is primary, so make sure your writing
more attention and in accordance with the theme of the blog. Kalo bisa sih
writing quality posts and weighed. Unlike writing
I was a shambles in this blog, hehe ....:)
3. Template Blog
Design and layout blog also determine whether the visitor will feel at home
lingering in your blog or not. Make sure the navigation, colors and
elements in the blog is not an error, also avoid broken links (links
damaged). To choose a blog template that closely.
4. Own Domain
This tips is one that I can not realisasikan.
Using the domain name itself will make your blog look more
5. Meta Keywords
Edit your blog template to give the title meta keywords,
keywords and descriptions. This is very useful for SEO.
6. Submit to the Site / Blog Directory
Sign up control every aspect of your blog site / blog directory like
blogcatalog, topblogarea, topbloglist, etc..
7. Link Exchange
This method is quite popular and frequently used among bloggers. Switch
links with other blogs that have mainly the same theme will
rapid increase your blog ranking in the eyes of search engines and will
carrying traffic.
8. Internal Links
Link your posts to one another that has
same topic. Kalo can use relevant anchor text to the results
more leverage for SEO.
9. Sign Up to Sit Social Bookmarking
Sign Up to Social Bookmarking Sites like Digg, Reddit or
Stumble Upon and get the plugin to be installed on your blog. If
Your articles favored by the readers so they can submits articles
you to Social Bookmarking Site by the plugin.
10. Dummy Blog
Create new blogs to support your main blog. Give a link to
The main blog on these blogs. In addition to getting backlinks to
SEO, expected visitors who come to the blogs you dummy
it can be introduced into your main blog.
11. Download Free
Create Metadata / templates to download free e-book, software, mp3
or the other. Majority netter like things that smell
12. Tagging Imag
Tagging image is to give the identity / name of the picture or image
the posting. This allows the image you are indexed by search engines.
13. Classified Ads
This is also to search for backlinks. Advertise your blog on sites
classified ads and give a link to your blog. One of the best is www. Please try and feel the increased traffic to your blog.
14. Comment on Other Blogs
A walk to the other blogs and give comments, especially on blogs
has a theme related to your blog. Dikolom comment
typically provided a place to write a comment poster URL.
15. Subscribe Feedburner
Use feedburner service for visitors who want to subscribe
Your blog articles via email. This keeps your blog visitors to
always known about your blog updates and pull them back.
16. Latest Gossip
Write something on trends, the latest and hottest gossip or
anything that smells controversial. Make sure keywords for optimization
the right post, then you are potentially crowded blog visitors
from the Search Engine.
17. Customize Ads
Do not put too many ads on the blog so as not to interfere
your readers. This also allows the loading of your blog page is not
18. Join the Social Networking Site
Join to various social networking sites or social networks and
place your blog link in your profile, bulletins or anything that
enable. Various popular social networking world can you follow
such as myspace, facebook, friendster and so on.
19. Learning SEO
To get traffic from search engines, SEO is absolutely necessary.
Deepen skills by learning optimization SEO content to blogs
the popular and proven excellence of his SEO knowledge.
20. Sell Ads
If there is more funds, it would not hurt you to buy ads on Google
Adwords, AdsenseCamps and so on. You can bring in traffic
with instant and fast.
21. Join Forum and Mailing List
Join to various forums and mailing lists that are related to the theme
and place your blog link / signature in place that allows.
Aktiflah in the forum or mailing list and you will get
traffic from fellow members of the forum / mailing list.
22. Create Award or Awards
Make award shaped like a banner with the theme "Neno's Blogger
Award "," Blogger Award 2009 "and so forth. Give award
to 10 other blogs that you trust and ask them to give
backlinks to your blog as a poster award. And they also can
give the award to 10 other blogs with the same rules.
And so on.
23. Periodic postings
Schedule your post regularly to the index easily by
google and the reader is not confused with the schedule update your blog.
24. Maximize Google
Use the services provided by google to maximum as
google webmaster tools, google analytic and google alerts for
google index facilitate and help monitor progress blog
25. Event / Genesis Important
Write about the event / events that will take place a month
prior to writing indexed by google. When the event
arrive, your blog visitors who crowded the potential to find info about
event on search engines.
26. Something New
Write something new and rarely raised another blog. Your writing
would be easier in Search Engine Result Page (SERP) and visible
more original.
27. Posting List
Most bloggers posting model enjoys fame list. Besides more
efficient, posting lists the model more easily understood and simple.
28. Post Pillar
Take the time to write a post pillar. Post pillar is the core of
your blog. Make sure the post pillar to get more attention because this is the pillar post that will be used to get the most traffic from your blog.
29. Submit posts to the Article Directory
Submit your post to article directories such as GoArticles,
ArticleBiz, and so on. Besides getting backlink, your blog also
can quickly famous if your post actually
30. Guest Blog
Offer your post to appear on the blog someone else, especially blogs
a similar theme. Place your link on these postings.
Guest Blogs benefits similar to submit postings to article

Good ways to raise above traffic blog useful for you, especially those just learning to like my blogging.

For Side Business OPPORTUNITY

Posted by JASTIKA on Rabu, 25 November 2009 , under , , |

If you see one-sided economic conditions and attention to Indonesia and feel the impact of global economic influence, that murat maritnya settings for our needs with financial barely been divided according to your needs or outposts households. No doubt that the funds or salaries received in one month is not enough, as an example of employee income Rp. 2.500.000, - with the number 4 person family (husband, wife and 2 children who were enrolled), it is clearly not able to meet the needs of the alias is still less, it is if not supported by other income, meaning that working a husband.
To overcome these things present terebut this book very helpful in doing a side business that needs to function properly, the business side are manifold and can be done around our homes each, if our ability supported by a hobby, then the business as a hobby It can also slow berlahan make money.
According to the author of this book that the door is not closed to the prosperity of us who want to try, careful use of time, have the ingenuity to find opportunities, then we can build a business empire of our own.
This book also provides various options of business types that can be done outside of office hours with relatively small capital and does not require complex operations-complex. Equipped with the analysis and the costs required to manage the business according to our financial online, marketing, tips trick
The efforts of services offered al; washing motorcycles and cars, event decorations, cut grass, translator, private lessons, boarding and rental info, job info, etc.
The field of food and drink al; caterung, selling ice cubes, sea food, coffee, various juices, drinking water refill, etc.
Field Cultivation al; Nepenthes, anthurium plants, kinds of fish farming, etc.
Investment field, the field of clothing manufacturers, field rental, field care, field repairs, etc. of the online, marketing, tips trick
That you are not curious and want to get a more concrete guidance to you immediately have this book and can be obtained at Gramedia bookstore.
Good luck and success always.

This article is a form of composition

Posted by JASTIKA on , under , , |

This article is a form of composition which is an analysis of the natural or social phenomena with a view to explain the who, what, when and where, how, and why this phenomenon occurs. However, the article also sometimes offer an alternative for solving the problem. Materials contained in the different media (print / electronic) comes mostly from people outside the company and the media. So everyone can fill the column material contained on a variety of online, marketing, tips trick,

Today, writing articles in the print media and electronic respectable activity among the intelligentsia. A writer will be on identity and power are citizens property. However, no means of "non-intellectual" does not have the same opportunity to write articles in the media. In recent years, many practitioners and workers in some of the freelance writer (independent), which do the same thing. This is certainly an exciting phenomenon, although the quantity of them and not so much.

And the person who would write in the media must understand the real purpose of this part of the media you want addressed by looking at the readers of the age, profession and socio-economic, gender and education level. In essence, the article by should be easily understood by all readers.
business online, marketing, tips trick,

To start writing an article, and we are simply subject to the condition or situation that happened today. The actual information becomes very important commodities sold by the media. Because of the greatness of some of the media offered perceptive news. For example, the political turmoil in this country about the 'orchid for crocodiles', we can raise the issue. Then, when it rains, we can increase the impact of the disease and the problems that arise when it rains. These are the things or events in our environment can be used to the opportunity to be income.

To be able to follow up and see the reality of the news, and author of the article is required reading. Because reading can see the progress and issues that occur. Another thing that becomes an impediment when we follow this profession and the author of this article is rejection, but should not give up easily because the media are very abundant in this country. So that when we finish writing is unacceptable, and we still can make to other media. So also with the will, should always be injected in order to start creating barriers article possible. While the key to success in this profession is to cultivate your caution to monitor, read, and look for infromasi or news.
business online, marketing, tips trick,

Simple economic analysis

Initial capital

Computer prices 3,500,000

Printer pumping 1,000,000

Total 4,500,000

operasioanl cost

Purchase of reference writing (books, magazines, newspapers, etc.). 200,000

Ink and paper 50,000

Other (such as the Internet and) 200,000

Total 450,000

Turnover of Article 4 (presumption: Article 1 and the media about his appreciation Rp.500.000) 2000000

1,550,000 won per month

A period of 3 months the return of capital

(Initial capital: profits per month)

5 SEO Tips for Online Retailers

Posted by JASTIKA on Jumat, 13 November 2009 , under , , |

Online retail websites face a unique set of obstacles when it comes to improving sales through better search engine visibility. Repetitive product descriptions, a lack of content and frequent churn of products can all be hurdles to overcome. But with these specific tips for retail search engine optimization, online retailers can turn those challenges into opportunities and maximize their organic search traffic.

1. Add fresh content to the website. Many online retail websites focus on selling products rather than informing and providing value to customers, and hence severely lack content. It’s a good idea to include pages on a retail site that are purely content-based. Not only will informative, optimized content improve search rankings, it can help retailers sell more products by engaging customers.

Try these ideas for adding fresh content to an online retail site:

Add customer success stories and case studies to the website.
Create a blog to provide relevant industry news, tips and product offerings.
Incorporate a resource section on the site with relevant white papers and other content.
2. Eliminate repetitive copy. Another issue online retailers face is that many of their products are significantly similar, with only slight variations. As such, product descriptions tend to use very similar copy. And if other retailers sell the same products, their descriptions are likely similar as well.

Avoid being penalized by the search engines for duplicate content by writing product descriptions that are as unique as possible. Highlight the most distinguishing characteristics of products to avoid duplicate copy. Lastly, ensure keyword phrases aren’t repeated too many times throughout descriptions. It’s an easy mistake considering target keywords are likely found in the name or description of most, if not every, product.

Not only will this technique contribute to improved search rankings, but user experience will be enhanced as well.

3. Draw traffic to static pages. For many online retailers, products are frequently added and removed from their website, some as often as every month or every week. Adding fresh content to a site provides SEO benefits, but removing it can quickly negate any advantages, as it takes time for search engines to index content.

To maneuver around this roadblock, draw traffic to more static pages, rather than revolving pages. For example, instead of focusing SEO on individual product pages, focus on product category pages.

4. Don’t forget to optimize PDF product catalogs. For many retailers, it’s a common practice to offer a product catalog in PDF format on their website. When devoting time to optimizing HTML pages on a website, it’s essential not to forget about the catalog or any other PDF files. Remember these key points when optimizing PDF files:

Create text-based PDFs, rather than designing them in an image-based program, so that the search engines have text to read.
Optimize as you would an HTML page, incorporating keywords in headlines, copy and meta descriptions, and including anchor text hyperlinks.
Post a smaller sized PDF to avoid search engines – and customers – deserting the PDF before accessing its content.
Remember to complete the document properties, particularly the title.
5. Optimize images for search engines. SEO doesn’t end with HTML pages and PDF files. Online retailers’ sites are full of images. Why not leverage those images to gain better search rankings? Including alt text and optimized captions can all contribute to improved rankings in the search engines. Plus, images found via the search engines have the potential to be shared and linked to across the web, also contributing to improved rankings.

Have you implemented creative SEO tips for ecommerce and online retail web sites? What tips would you add to this list?

Difference Between MLM And Network Marketing

Posted by JASTIKA on , under , |

If it is your goal to increase your business over the next year, then it is imperative that you focus on ebusiness marketing trends. In order to predict what the coming ebusiness trends will be, you need to simply listen to your customers. The first thing you need to know is who your target market is and how to reach them.

In order to predict what the ebusiness market has in store for the future, take a look at today’s teenagers. Here are a few things you will see: Ipods loaded with music, cell phones that seem to be used for text messages more often than calls and wireless laptops that can connect to the internet anywhere.

Of course, what you specifically are looking for are online marketing trends. Therefore, take a look at what today’s youth are doing on their computers. They are probably reading or writing blogs, watching and sending viral videos, checking out social networking sites, and even creating their own web pages.

Everything that these kids are doing is sending a message to business owners; it is simply up to you to listen. These kids are creating their own web experiences. They’re creating networks between people all over the world. In doing this, they are eliminating all that is irreverent to them and hanging onto only what they consider to be significant.

What are most important are the media and tools that these kids are using in order to do this. If you want to market to today’s and tomorrow’s audience, you’ve got to become a part of the network which they’ve created. This network is a web of trust which they have wrapped themselves in.

By becoming a part of it, you too can be trusted by them and open your business to them. Only by examining today’s youth can you plan for the ebusiness marketing trends of the future.

In order to build trust and a large customer base, you need to build trust within your target audience. People are becoming increasingly less tolerant of messages and advertisements that they are not interested in. That is why it is so important that you know your target audience and know what their interests are. In order to better know your audience, you must know the following:

where they are coming from
the specific web pages that they view
the links that they click on
In order to reach the audience of tomorrow, it is important that you take advantage of all of the tools that the internet has to offer. These include: viral content, internet video, mobile media, RSS feeds, and many others.

Viral marketing is a cheap way to increase your web traffic as it is basically getting others to do the legwork for you. RSS feeds are a great way to popularize your blog and get more visitors. You can even make videos in order to promote your business. The better you have learned about and planned for ebusiness marketing trends, the more successful your ebusiness will be.

Online Trends: How Small Businesses are Really Using Internet Marketing

Posted by JASTIKA on , under , |

Technology has certainly changed the way we do business. From social networking sites to email and websites, the Internet has allowed us to market our businesses far beyond physical boundaries. The internet has opened so many doors for business owners who were once limited to their hometown.
How Small Businesses are Benefiting Online
The latest statistics on Internet use among small business, which was recently released by Citibank Small Business, shows just how much businesses have come to rely on the power of the Internet to market and sell their businesses.
For example, the survey – which was conducted over the phone with 500 small business executives (of less than 100 employees) across the country from August 20 through August 27 – showed that nearly 42 percent of small business have used their company’s website as a way to generate business leads and sales.
In addition, the survey showed that 28 percent of small businesses were employing email marketing, and nearly 25 percent of the businesses were using online advertising as a way of increasing their business sales and leads.
Social Media Sites still not Taking off Among Small Businesses
However, what came as a bit of a surprise is that social media sites, such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter, are not being used very often for business use. In fact, the survey by Citibank Small Business showed that just one quarter of businesses have used these social media sites to market their business.
Many small business executives saw these sites as not being very helpful when it comes to generating business leads or expanding business.
The number of social networking sites used by small businesses to seek business advice or information was also very small, as more than 86 percent of the small businesses surveyed said they have not used social networking sites for this purpose. Only ten percent of business owners surveyed actually sought out business advice on social sites and blogs.
With the popularity of social media sites taking off over this past year, it came as quite a bit of a surprise to learn that few small companies used them. However, when given the state of the economy and the difficulty that many businesses have faced over the last year, it becomes clear that many businesses were simply too focused on running their businesses and managing their cash flow to capitalize on social media sites.

Want to win in SEO Contest? Echoes and Fix!

Posted by JASTIKA on Senin, 09 November 2009 , under , |

This article is not indicating admin online business blog a great ass or patronizing you, but just sharing the experience just for starters friends like me that all the categories or related to SEO (Search engine optimization) in the URLs that can be a contest, so perhaps the highest level I think it is a contest that deliberately, because this level requires us to be more active again in doing optimization alias can not relax to a battle for common keywords because the time factor and the short term.
online business
SEO knowledge is obligatory practice and not just a theory, one example for memperaktekkannya is seo contest both from domestic and global scale. If it means winning seo technique is correct in terms of optimization of business efforts done properly, though only for a moment to remember the search engines algorithms are dynamic.

As a beginner and always want to keep learning seo course, we must find out what techniques are used by the master to win the contest seo.

1. Echoes / contek
The first should be noted seo contest to win a copy of their knowledge from optimization techniques SEO on page and off-page optimization, do not leave the remaining one bit of skill they have, just beat on dech.

2. Learn and Improve.
This is an important factor of success in winning the event of any seo contest, after efforts to imitate and copy-all-out cheating on the second step is to learn and improve. Its purpose is to absorb before their seo techniques you know and learn, develop and improve.

3. No One Qibla
Its purpose is to learn is to anyone including seo ebook reading references that you think should be considered dicontek his SEO knowledge, and all my knowledge as a rookie who will never cease to always want to learn that basically every actor (the champion / expert) contest they usually have seo seo techniques vary.

Mistakes often occur beginners seo contest which is to fall in point No. 2, where only imitating it without the development and creative thinking, try reading posts on this blog online business earlier titled "The People Be Creative" which appealed to you to always find innovative in order to defeat the new contest winners or your online business competitors.

Factor victory in the contest was a lot of SEO (ribet) and not enough to just collect a lot of high Pagerank BackLink of making SERPs position would be good, but one example of the admin leaked online business blog is how we treat these BackLink to become truly quality. So therefore, try to factor / experiments should be done as well as prayer. : (

So the core in order to win in SEO Contest is blackouts, Improve, Develop And Practice continuous / consistent and it is not cheating it raw or become TERMITE SEO forever.

Nb: I'm sorry the article from the blog admin online business tips beginners is personal opinion only and does not have much intention of offending or teach any party. Regard.