
Want to win in SEO Contest? Echoes and Fix!

Senin, 09 November 2009 , Posted by JASTIKA at 23.18

This article is not indicating admin online business blog a great ass or patronizing you, but just sharing the experience just for starters friends like me that all the categories or related to SEO (Search engine optimization) in the URLs that can be a contest, so perhaps the highest level I think it is a contest that deliberately, because this level requires us to be more active again in doing optimization alias can not relax to a battle for common keywords because the time factor and the short term.
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SEO knowledge is obligatory practice and not just a theory, one example for memperaktekkannya is seo contest both from domestic and global scale. If it means winning seo technique is correct in terms of optimization of business efforts done properly, though only for a moment to remember the search engines algorithms are dynamic.

As a beginner and always want to keep learning seo course, we must find out what techniques are used by the master to win the contest seo.

1. Echoes / contek
The first should be noted seo contest to win a copy of their knowledge from optimization techniques SEO on page and off-page optimization, do not leave the remaining one bit of skill they have, just beat on dech.

2. Learn and Improve.
This is an important factor of success in winning the event of any seo contest, after efforts to imitate and copy-all-out cheating on the second step is to learn and improve. Its purpose is to absorb before their seo techniques you know and learn, develop and improve.

3. No One Qibla
Its purpose is to learn is to anyone including seo ebook reading references that you think should be considered dicontek his SEO knowledge, and all my knowledge as a rookie who will never cease to always want to learn that basically every actor (the champion / expert) contest they usually have seo seo techniques vary.

Mistakes often occur beginners seo contest which is to fall in point No. 2, where only imitating it without the development and creative thinking, try reading posts on this blog online business earlier titled "The People Be Creative" which appealed to you to always find innovative in order to defeat the new contest winners or your online business competitors.

Factor victory in the contest was a lot of SEO (ribet) and not enough to just collect a lot of high Pagerank BackLink of making SERPs position would be good, but one example of the admin leaked online business blog is how we treat these BackLink to become truly quality. So therefore, try to factor / experiments should be done as well as prayer. : (

So the core in order to win in SEO Contest is blackouts, Improve, Develop And Practice continuous / consistent and it is not cheating it raw or become TERMITE SEO forever.

Nb: I'm sorry the article from the blog admin online business tips beginners is personal opinion only and does not have much intention of offending or teach any party. Regard.