
Why blog on health and growth

Senin, 14 Desember 2009 , Posted by JASTIKA at 04.12

The book launch for Health and Growth in Brazil occurred in two of the country's biggest cities, Sao Paulo and Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais. business online, marketing, tips trick, In both cities the audience of about 150 spanned academia, government and the private sector. Discussion in both focused on measuring health and the link to growth, and on institutions. Concerns over equity, funding tradeoffs, and the effectiveness and efficiency of service delivery dominated much of the discussion. If early childhood development is so critical to child and adult health, and budgets are flat, where should cuts be made, and who decides? Where economic benefits can be reaped from investments in health care services, issues of who pays across levels of government, and the role of patient contribution, were raised in the context of sustainable financing needs, an important next step in extending the results to online, marketing, tips trick,

The Development Bank of Minas Gerais, and its president Paulo Paiva, hosted the book launch. Marcus Pestana, State Secretary of Health of Minas Gerais, chaired the session and comments from Cesar Vieira, Technical Consultant of IBEDESS (Brazilian Institute for the Study of the Development of the Health Sector) and Marcelo Gouvea Teixeira, Municipal Secretary of Health for Belo Horizonte, offered comments, touching on the topics noted above. Over 14 media outlets covered the event, including radio and TV stations.

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In Sao Paulo the Fernando Henrique Cardoso Institute hosted the maximum capacity event. Former President Fernando Henrique Cardoso chaired the session, Dr. Alberto Beltrame, Federal Secretary for Health Care commented, along with Andre Medici of the World Bank who extended the implications to Latin America. A third commentator, Geraldo Biasoto, Executive Director of FUNDAP (Sao Paulo State Foundation for Management Development that undertakes policy research on key public policy issues including health), noted the refreshing objectivity in the book and expressed concerns of inadequately substantiated claims that increasing health spending would lead to economic growth. Among attendees was former Minister of Health Adib Jatene who helped to spark a discussion about the impact of health spending as the first rung in tracking the impact of health investments on growth